Senin, 12 Maret 2012

Are We still normal?

     In the past, if you were in the middle of a bunch of people, have been very reasonable in case of intimate, had to make conversations between individuals. The converstion could be contain mild and serious issues in a relaxed atmosphere. Sometimes the interaction brought them in a kinship atmosphere. The measure whether a person having an ability to do socialize in the community used to be depended on how good he or she speaks and develops the subject of  the conversation in the middle of a bunch of people. It meant if the person did not have ability to speak or at least make a little conversation among others, his or her normality should be questioned.
     But now the sense that concept is being less implemented. Many things are being caused, such as, the valuability of time, having trouble interacting with other people, the environment of community is not supportive, and the most effective way to suppress the ability of verbal communication between individuals, advances in communications technology. Although the phenomenon is not really affected the whole society. only the gadget (the term for communication technology) generation, who was born in the era of '80s and above, who get the affect. It is a common sight when in a group of people who do not know each other in a variety of ages and backgrounds, usually young people under 30 prefer to concern the modern mobile phone, rather than talking to someone. Of course that attitude was something that must be considered strange and very selfish in the past, before 90’ (the period when the gadget has not been rampant).
     In a polling conducted on the younger respondents (the gadget generation) in several cities and small towns, 70% assume that the gadget is more attractive than a direct conversation. Approximately 27% respondents interestings the gadget, but the conversation also remain an important interaction. Only 3% of respondents who assume that the gadget as an alternative way to communicate, and keep the convensional communication (oral). Respondents who are more crazy about the gadget come from big cities, where the situation has been very supportive to reduce social direct interaction with a variety of reasons. While respondents who are not so enthusiastic about the development of communication technology are those who live in small towns or rural areas, although the circulation of the gadget already get to their area.
     Actually, mostly of the young do not want to be bothered with chitchat and small talk, which for them is so forced and being forced. In any situation they want to be enjoy and take  their time, without any written or unwritten rule or limits. With the same respondents, 85% of them do not want to talk with a strangers. About 10% expresseds no objection to talk to  people who have been first encountered, although reluctantly. Only 5% who are always ready to talk to other people, by reason or manners.
Generation of Autism
     With the above facts, it illustrates how the attitude of the young generation who are no longer interested in social interaction. If their generation, who are knowing the gadget as they grow, already change their behaviour, imagine how far the next generation change away. To clarify, if they become familiar with communications tool and its conveniences when they grow up, to be sure the parents already have taught well behave to them before the rampant of the gadget. As for the generation who were born when so many facilities have been provided by the gadget, their parents must not have much time to introduce the way of life which is very useful for their future. Even parents may also have contracted by the virus of the gadget. It must be very silly, a mother has to download from her phone if she wants to sing lullaby. And then her phone will sing to her child. She does not do by herself. But it's true!

A gadget in hand (photo by google)

     With so many young people who more interested in their gadget instead of social interaction, would be more and more have been seen fixated on something clutched in public places. They use their time for themselves and their own world, regardless of the situation that occurred in the vicinity. As well as the condition of  an autism person. Autism generally, is the human condition that is from birth or infant do not have ability to do social relationships or interaction among others.And the symptoms of the generation of autism around us increase so fast.
     In fact, it seems oddly enough for the older generation who still maintain social interaction as a hospitable attitude. So it is easly to give negative prejudice or marginalized to people who are not being intimated with the gadget and having a conversation with a colleague beside him. While the generation of autism who familiar with the gadget is considered as a bunch of modern and excess people. What a mistake!
So, What is the problem?
     The subtitle above is true. So, what is the problem? The description phenomenon does not pose a problem for the society. Whatever the person’s attitude is still reasonable as long as it does not disturb the public and the law . Instead, it does not normal to make a fuss for reasonableness of anything. That could be stutter a shock culture think, or more extreme word, refusing the progress of the technology. The problem is, and maybe it will be a very complicated problem, the incidence of autism the generation of autism could undermine the value of the family and the community. Both values are very important for human life.
     We know there are three essential pillars to form a good society, the family's value, the norm of the society, and religious. Each of the three pillars are complementary and filling. If there is one of the pillars that not work, needed a replacement in accordance to the mind ability or intellectual level of each individual. And if the value of the family is being replaced or eroded by the technology of communication, it would be very difficult to find a replacement. Unless the individual has a positive and justified power of the reason. But even, that will not give a smoothness guarantee for individual that will go in the community living.
     Until now there has not been comprehensive and critical objective researching to explain the adverse effects of the gadget technology to society. It could be many of interests which reject the research, more over alerting the development of the technology could be considered a violation of human rights. Even the advertisements in the media are more satisfied with the very latest communication devices, and put the report of the negative side of the mobile phone in the last page. If the expert who relating with the result are really expecting about the devastating impact of the technology of the communication, the result would be as shock An Inconvenient Truth, the documentary movie about global warming. Although actually we will organize the community to understand better about the gadget, and will not step away pretending the gadget as a terrible plague.
The Changing Of The Definition Of Normal And Not Normal Behaviour In Community
     Of course this paper does not intend to return society to a life filled with warm-hearted as in the past. There is also no desire to judge for anomalous behavior of modern society. It's only natural in a phase of life when there is a shift in the value of life according to the progress made in those days. Like it or not.
     So the most important question is not, are we still normal? But how we do understand the anomalous behavior due to the progress of the technology. And also how we do understand the behavior of people who still persist with the behavior of his time. An elderly person would be more interested to greet or chat with someone nearby, and do not want to pursue his cell phone, although he or she slipped a blackberry in the pocket, and even though someone who he or she is talking to enjoys the conversation or not. It will be possible if in the future the generation who are very familiar with the gadget will look very old fashioned, because there will be a future generation who have an improvement technology.
     There is no right and wrong between two generation who have different behavior. The Differences were based solely on how they understand the euphoria or fever of gadget (modern communications technology).
     But we have to be very careful, Indonesia, our beloved country, is a consumer nation, not an inventor. As a consumer, most of Indonesian people are more comfortable to use for granted. We certainly can not measure to extent how good and bad the technology which be found by the inventor. The inventor who market his technology, always convince the prospective buyers about the advantages and grandiose promises of the product. If we only use the good side without knowing the bad side of the technology for all of us, we are just like the mice in laboratory experiments. What a nasty things!

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